RUF Bark Briquettes

RUF bark Briquettes

  • Combusting temperature: 4200Kcal/kg
  • Moisture: around 10%
  • Ash content : around 4%
  • Mechanical durability: 95%
  • Partly destroyed briquettes:14%
  • Size : 155 x 110 x 65 mm
  • Packaging: 12 blocks weigths around 12 kg, 84 packs on pallet


RUF bark Briquettes have extremely long burning time up to 10-16 hours. That is not to say you can come down next morning, give them a poke and they burst into flames, rather that there is still a good warmth in the stove and a glow from the ashes. Bark does produce extra ash, more ash creates a bigger heat store, but also more ash to dispose of the next day.

RUF bark Briquettes

  • Combusting temperature: 4200Kcal/kg
  • Moisture: around 10%
  • Ash content : around 4%
  • Mechanical durability: 95%
  • Partly destroyed briquettes:14%
  • Size : 155 x 110 x 65 mm
  • Packaging: 12 blocks weigths around 12 kg, 84 packs on pallet


If You have any questions about our product, price, availability.
Today we sell each month around  100 – 200 t  and we do not stop there. We are always looking for new sellers/buyers to fulfill all orders. We are Your key success if You are looking for long term reliable supplier of quality RUF bark Briquettes.


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